Thursday 7 June 2012

FT13183_Marketing concepts - Dominos by Tanya Seth

Dominos is a well-known QSR (Quick Service Restaurant Chain) with its presence all across the country. Having visited one of its stores recently, I observed the functioning and customer behaviour there quite closely. My observations on the first impression of Dominos are mentioned below:
1 The red and blue branding of the company (which is obviously standardized across geographies) is quite catchy and attracts the attention of passers-by very easily. This works well in favour of the brand because people associate with it very well.
2 Another point to note here is the location and lighting of the signboard. When travelling by road, the visibility increases manifold if the signboard/hoarding is located at a height. This enables people to notice the presence of the store from afar and gives them enough time to decide if they want to stop and grab a bite. Also, at night, if the lighting (of the signboard) is not proper, it can affect the sale for that night because people may not even notice the store at all. Dominos had both these aspects in place.
3 Following company policy, this store’s interior design was in sync with all other Dominos stores across the nation. This gives rise to a sense of familiarity in the customer. Thus, he/she feels comfortable in any Dominos setting [When talking of repeat customers]. There is a certain consistency, which helps in customer retention for the company as a whole, since a person will instantly connect with a store such as this, irrespective of what part of the country he/she is in.
4 The company, as a concept, never hides its kitchen from its consumers, and since, the consumers can see exactly how the pizza they ordered is being prepared, right in front of their eyes, it instils a feeling of trust and faith in them. They then trust the brand to offer good quality, along with maintaining excellent hygiene levels each and every time they order. This sense of security in the consumer is extremely important for the company since this directly impact its customer retention levels, especially when customers now-a-days have become so particular about these issues.
5 More often than not, a QSR has not-too-comfortable a seating, for the reason that it prefers a high seat turnover ratio. This means that the more uncomfortable a seat, the faster a consumer finishes his/her meal, in turn, not getting too comfortable and spending more time there, which in turn leads to a higher revenue generation from each seat. Dominos follows the same concept since it does not have comfortable chairs.
In the above mentioned aspects, Dominos is doing well and there is no serious fault with its processes.

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